Embracing change

Sylvia Emokpae
6 min readMay 13, 2020

I’m feeling great. And rightly so.

The amount of grief people who have lost (family members, friends, jobs – the list goes on) must be experiencing is completely unimaginable and unmeasurable. I ask that please, if you are grieving and reading this, try to understand that I do not by any means diminish nor dismiss your feelings at all. I simply wish to share my positivity with anyone who wants to hear it.

My son feeling happy

I think what’s difficult for many is that we can easily fall into the habit of basing our happiness on future events, keeping busy, and making sure we always have something to look forward to. Penciling in that weekend away here, the birthday party there, holiday later in the year, etc. Now, all plans are on hold and we are daydreaming instead. We are trying to imagine things we will do once this chapter in our lives is over but we don’t know when it’ll be over, and how our new lives will look. We don’t know whether we’ll be able to book flights for the summer or get together at Christmas with our family. Our inability to schedule right now is probably sending a lot of us into an anxious state. If anything, some of us are just living these days rushing, keeping busy for them to go by quickly, and just be over so we can go back to normal and set a new routine of planning and having things to look forward to again, assuming this will make us happy.



Sylvia Emokpae

Hustler by day, mother all the time. Inspired by normal life occurrences because, in hindsight, everything we do is interesting. Chocolate addict.